Nada Brahma

1985 (Indipop)



Sheila's 4th solo album (1985) after leaving Monsoon. It features "Nada Brahma (sound is God)" - a 26 minute layered, drone-based ambient track over which Sheila's wordless vocals float effortlessly. It explores one raga through many different moods, structures and variations.

The album represents Sheila's deepening creativity as an artist and composer.

"I think my willingness to push my voice creatively into new areas (which were often not 'pretty' vocally) was fuelled by the knowledge that I had complete creative control over the recordings. If I didn't like the track on the final mix, Indipop couldn't release it. It gave me the confidence to be on the edge artistically and that, in turn, provided Indipop with some unique recordings."